Making a skin in UnreaL.
Here is a step by step tutorial on how to make a skin:
Open the Unreal Editor.2. Wait till it loads
3. The editor should come up then Click on the Load button under neath the textures palette on the right.
4. Your default texture folder is the /Unreal/textures folder, which is where you should be.
5. Select "Male1Skins.utx" or whatever skins file you want to use.
6. When it comes up, you'll see all the different skins that are used in the game for that particular class.
7. Select a skin, and then click on Edit below the textures palette.
8. This should open the skin in a small window.
10. Where u exported it double click on it, and now customize your skin. (I recommend that u don't use the default paint program installed on your computer).
11. When done to your hearts content, save the image in 8-bit .pcx format. Name it whatever you want.
12. Go back to the Unreal Editor, then click import under neath the textures palette.
13. Find your file from where u saved it in the dialogue box.
14. The next dialogue you can just exit without changing anything. If you forgot to name your file differently in step 11, you can change it if you want.
15. Your new skin shows up with the other skins on the texture pallette.
16. Click on save below the textures palette. Select a new name for your skins, such as MySkins1 or whatever you want.
17. So why can't you get your new skin in the game? (Before u start unreal with this in your mind read the rest of the tutorial).
18. Now copy the file (which is found in /Unreal/system folder) and rename it like what you name it in step 16. (You can open this file in Notepad).
19. Now change the name in each line to match the names you chose for your skins. Save the .int to match the skin file you created earlier (ie.,
(This is my skin name your name of skin will be different).